“拍电影就像在西部赶马车一开始你希望细细欣赏沿途的风景最后却只盼着能顺利到达目的地” The best film of making film特吕弗犯规式地给电影写了一封情书他没有把镜头集中在导演身上而是以剧组的全景视角为我们塑造了一群热爱电影的可爱之人色花堂在线98鞠躬尽瘁只是为了造出银幕上的梦人生可能是比电影重要但是没有电影的人生我也不愿意去拥有谢谢你们带来的浮光掠影谢谢
oh my fucking GOD!! how could you get some many great ppl and still suck this much!! It's not even funny anymore! it's not like jackass funny, it's NOT funny AT ALL! I can do dirty jokes but call me a hypocrite, i just don't see how balls on face n shit on your gf is funny.